Halloween is the beginning of the holiday season for many people. Children from all over celebrate the holiday by dressing up and collecting candy. Yet this treasure of sweets can pose a danger to their oral health. However, there are some simple habits and practices families can do to make sure dental health doesn’t suffer. Supreme Dentistry knows Halloween is a fantastic time and should be fun for all children, so developing good habits means everyone can have the best time. For
family dentistry services in Houston, TX, contact Supreme Dentistry today at
Good Habits to Develop for Halloween
There are several ways you can encourage positive oral health while still allowing children to enjoy the Halloween holiday. Perhaps the most direct course of action is only to give out and allow children to receive healthy treats. Avoid sour candies because they are acidic and thus erode tooth enamel increasing the likelihood of cavities. Sticky candy leaves sugars directly on teeth allowing for bacteria to buildup and, alongside hard candies, can cause teeth to chip. Healthier treats can include fruit, cereal or granola bars, pretzels, and plain chocolate.
Another way to make sure children don’t develop preventable dental issues because of their Halloween celebrations is by setting up a candy bank. It’s tempting to eat candy all day on Halloween or after, but doing so endangers your oral health. Allow children to make daily withdrawals from their candy bank and explain why it’s important to eat candy in moderation.
No matter what, however, during Halloween and after until the candy has run out, it’s vital to not let regular brushing and flossing fall to the wayside. This is the best way to prevent plaque and tartar buildup, which leads to cavities and gum disease. Also, it’s a good idea to schedule a checkup with Supreme Dentistry to make sure everything still looks good after the Halloween candy binge.
Other Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy
No matter what kind of Halloween your family has, it makes sense to check in with your dentist afterward. Your dentist at Supreme Dental will be able to make sure your child’s teeth and gums are still healthy. However, there are some things you can do on your own ahead of your checkup.
Everyone loves candy because it’s a treat. Therefore, it’s a good idea to make the Halloween candy your family has collected the dessert after meals. This makes sense for a couple of reasons. First, saliva production is high during meals, which helps to cancel the acids created by bacteria and washes away stray food particles. It also gives your children something to look forward to after their meal, then brushing and flossing doesn’t have to be done more than usual.
Another good habit is avoiding soda, sports drinks, or flavored waters while candy is still available. Eating candy and drinking beverages high in sugar greatly increases the risk of cavities and tooth decay. If possible, find some sugarless chewing gum (the American Dental Association approves some) and chew it after eating candy. This will increase saliva production and can pull bits of candy that may have gotten stuck between teeth out.
Supreme Dentistry
Halloween is a fun and exciting holiday for the whole family. However, parents need to be aware of what children are eating so that there aren’t future dental issues. The simple preventative steps discussed will help kids enjoy the holiday while reassuring parents that Halloween candy won’t derail the oral health of children.
At Supreme Dentistry, we’re proud to provide family and other general dentistry services to our patients. Look to us not just for your everyday dental needs but for any cosmetic issues you’d like to have addressed or if you experience any dental emergencies. Our treatment options include:
- Dental cleanings
- Dental fillings
- Teeth whitening
- Dental implants
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