An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but it can also leave you with yellow teeth. Smoking cigarettes might make you feel like you’re relieving stress, but along with other health hazards, you’ll be left with browning teeth. And are you forgetting to floss and brush? You guessed right: black, decaying teeth. If discolored teeth have ever plagued you, why not try a teeth whitening service? Supreme Dentistry’s
teeth whitening services will help restore your teeth’ color in a matter of visits. Contact us
844.966.2333 to learn more about our teeth whitening options today.
The purpose of teeth whitening is to bleach your teeth and actively remove discoloration associated with eating and drinking certain foods, smoking, and even age. While over-the-counter teeth whitening kits are cost-effective, there are several benefits of working with a dentist to whiten your teeth.
A Dentist Will Examine Your Teeth
When you ask for a professional teeth whitening service, a dentist will first examine your teeth to ensure that it is safe to whiten teeth. While teeth whitening is an excellent treatment for discolored teeth, it is not a good service for everyone. Teeth whitening is not recommended for people with conditions such as:
- Receding gum lines
- Sensitive teeth and gums
- Periodontal disease
- Oral cancer
- Damaged enamel
In addition, when a dentist provides an examination before performing a teeth whitening procedure, they can identify cavities. If you are using a home kit, you will not readily know that you have a cavity forming. Not to mention, the bleach contained in whitening kits can seep into cavities, causing permanent damage to a tooth’s structure.
Protected Teeth and Gums
One of the active ingredients in teeth whitening–both professional and over-the-counter–is bleach. When teeth whitening is performed with a kit, there is the possibility of damaging teeth enamel or even tooth roots. Your gums can shrink and become dry due to harsh bleaches, which will make you susceptible to infection and tooth decay.
Dentists performing tooth whitening services work hard to protect your gums with a seal or shield.
Customized Care
When you invest in professional teeth whitening, a dentist will have mouth trays custom-made for your teeth. By using custom-made mouth trays, dentists can evenly apply gel coverage. However, over-the-counter teeth whitening kits often leave users with patchy or spotted teeth because the bleaching trays are not custom-made for your teeth. If your teeth have any irregularities, the bleach will only stick to some places in your mouth.
Better Whitening Outcomes
Since professional teeth whitening services are customized to the needs of your teeth, dentists can determine the intensity and length of your treatments, helping you achieve the results you desire. Teeth whitening kits can only lighten your teen so much and are meant for people with light discoloration. Dentists, however, can actively remove stains, making your teeth up to eight shades whiter.
Teeth Whitening Options
While it is easy to purchase teeth whitening kits at the drugstore, nothing beats getting professional teeth performed at your dentist’s office, which can offer you several teeth whitening options. Two of the most common options include:
In-office bleaching can take place in one visit. A protective gel or shield is positioned over the gums during the procedure, protecting its soft tissue. Then, a bleaching product containing carbamide peroxide is applied to your teeth. A special light is then used to intensify the treatment of the bleaching product.
A mold of your teeth is used to make a customized mouthguard in an at-home bleaching kit prepared by a dentist. The mouthguard is to be worn for a set period of time-varying for a few hours per day to overnight–to achieve the desired results.
Cosmetic Dentistry at Supreme Dentistry Boosts Your Confidence
If you’ve ever wanted to change the appearance of your teeth, the time is now. Supreme Dentistry offers several cosmetic dental options to improve your appearance and provide you with a dazzling smile. Contact us at
844.966.2333 to schedule your appointment.